Convert "Science Fiction" into "Science Reality"
Delivering unseen future to the world.
"One day it will come true." That's what we all thought about human-piloted robot.
We established TSUBAME INDUSTRIES to make the dream come true.
What are We?
We are a group of specialists who have various background and generation having a "determination" to create "a robot that could be seen in a Sci-Fi movie".
We hope to get people excited with a manned robot.
TSUBAME INDUSTRIES was established in order to purely achieve this dream.
The Origin of Our Name, TSUBAME INDUSTRIES
Tsubame (swallows) are being loved in Japan as birds that notify the coming of spring.
We named ourselves TSUBAME INDUSTRIES aiming to become a company whom many can see to notify the coming of new era, through our product development anyone would consider as a future dream.
Our logo is made up with an initial Chinese character of another name for tsubame, genchou (玄鳥), and the silhouette of a tsubame with its wings spread.
As the letter 玄 has a meaning of "being deep and superior" as in a word 玄人, it represents that members with a sophisticated craftsmanship are involved in the development of our products.
What is the ARCHAX Project?
"ARCHAX" was created to bring to the world the dream experience that many people have longed for: actually getting into and controlling a large robot that looks like something out of science fiction.
The new "ARCHAX" is intended to form a completely new market for passenger robots, with the luxury market, such as ultra-luxury cars and private jets, as the benchmark for our products.
The main customers are expected to be wealthy people, and we plan to accept orders and sell the robot not only domestically but also overseas in the future.
We will realize a passenger-type robot to provide a new value experience to the world.